1-2 Senior Lecturers in aquatic environmental science / environmental science

The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences is seeking to recruit 1-2 Senior Lecturers in aquatic environmental science / environmental science starting on 1 October 2025 or as agreed. The position is in effect until further notice.

The activities of the Department of Biological and Environmental Science are broad, aiming to understand the fundamental mechanisms of biological natural phenomena from the molecular and cellular level to the functioning of organism communities and ecosystems, and the impacts of human activities on organisms and the environment. The teaching is based on research conducted at the department, intertwining theoretical approaches with practical training, such as laboratory and field courses. The department trains researchers and experts in a wide range of fields, including aquatic and environmental sciences, ecology and evolutionary biology, and cell and molecular biology, all of which contribute to building a sustainable society for the future. This is also supported by the department’s close collaboration with the Wisdom research community

The department’s research is built on three areas of strength: biological nanoscience, evolutionary research, and sustainable use of natural resources. Our research activities are characterized by an open-minded combination of different fields of biology and environmental science and an emphasis on empirical research. Basic and applied research naturally go hand in hand, exemplified by studies on the structure and function of aquatic food webs, the potential risks of new bioplastic materials in aquatic environments, or the use of artificial intelligence and citizen science in studying changes in the distribution of migratory bird species. 

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Who we are looking for

We are looking for 1 to 2 senior lecturers to strengthen and develop the department’s teaching and research activities in the field of environmental and aquatic sciences. We are seeking a person with diverse experience and expertise in areas such as the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems and species knowledge, assessment of human impacts, mitigation measures, and permit practices (e.g., ecotoxicology, circular economy solutions, watershed restoration). 

The position includes course teaching and coordination for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral training, as well as supervision of bachelor’s and master’s theses. Teaching will be conducted in either Finnish or English, depending on the course. Additionally, the applicant is expected to conduct research supporting teaching (30–60% of working time) and to apply for research funding. Applicants are required to have strong teaching experience and the ability to develop and organize teaching, evidence of leading research projects in their field, securing competitive research funding, active publishing, and national/international networking. 

The duties and qualification requirements of Senior Lecturer are stipulated by the University of Jyväskylä Regulations and language skills guidelines. Good proficiency in English and the ability to teach in English will be considered an advantage. The primary language of bachelor level instruction is Finnish. A trial period of six months will be used in the beginning of the employment.


At the University of Jyväskylä, you are a recognized member of our community. You get to participate in our international and multidisciplinary community where the welfare of each individual is important. At the University of Jyväskylä, we offer a great and lively campus area with opportunities to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. 

Finland has a high standard of living, with free schooling (also in English), affordable childcare, good family benefits, and healthcare. Jyväskylä is located in central Finland in the Finnish lakeland and has excellent opportunities for different nature, outdoor, and sports activities. The city of Jyväskylä is a major educational center and the city has a large student population. As such there is a vibrant cultural scene in the city. To find useful information about the University of Jyväskylä, the City of Jyväskylä and living in Finland, see the University's International Staff Guide.

The salary for a senior lecturer is determined based on the task-specific demand level 6–7 of the university salary system for teaching staff. The annual salary range will be 51,000 - 65,000 EUR (gross income, including a holiday bonus), depending on the qualifications and experience of the candidate.  

How to apply?

Please make sure that your ORCID-profile (https://orcid.org) works: your publications are listed and the publication list visibility is set to: Everyone. You can not apply for this position without an ORCID profile.

The application documents that should be included in English and in PDF format:

  1. A Curriculum vitae, composed according to good scientific practice and considering the template for researcher´s curriculum vitae by The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity.
  2. A short and free-form motivation/cover letter (max 2 pages), including your teaching and research interests, career goals and previous experience and merits in relation to the qualifications for this position. 
  3. A teaching portfolio prepared according to the guidelines, i.e., a written description of pedagogical training and teaching merits (Instructions on the JYU Work with us website). The applicant should describe as comprehensively as possible their educational merits and interests relevant to the position. 
  4. A numbered list of all scientific publications and other publications showing the applicant's ability and merits for the position using the guidelines of the Research Council of Finland.
  5. A maximum of five publications, which must be numbered according to the list of publications (as one PDF file) or a PDF file with public links to the 5 chosen publications.
  6. Research plan: a short written description (max 4 pages) of the applicant's research merits, leadership in research, and experience in obtaining research funding, as well as a research plan related to the position and a vision of how the applicant's current and future work will support the research and international collaboration at the University of Jyväskylä.

Applicants are kindly asked to submit their applications using the online application form by 15 April 2025. Applications sent via email are not considered.

For further information, please contact Professor Katja Räsänen, katja.j.rasanen@jyu.fi, Professor Anna Kuparinen, anna.k.kuparinen@jyu.fi, or Department Head Leena Lindström, leena.m.lindstrom@jyu.fi.   

We offer good working conditions for researchers and promote the principles of HR Excellence in Research, HRS4R. The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is based on the values of the European Charter for Researchers & The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code). JYU is committed to fairness, consistency and transparency in selection decisions, and undertakes the recommendations for the responsible evaluation of a researcher in Finland. JYU has signed the DORA Declaration. By signing the agreement, JYU is committed to complying with the CoARA principles.

Our application process is transparent, professional and international. We communicate openly with the applicants throughout the recruitment process. All appointment decisions are based on careful consideration within the faculty as well as reviews by external experts. We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for this position.

Department of Biological and Environmental Science

Research in the Department of Biological and Environmental Science focuses on three core areas: evolutionary biology, natural resources and environment, and biological nanoscience. The Department building, Ambiotica, is an integral part of the University of Jyväskylä's Ylistönrinne Mathematics and Science Research Complex, which includes buildings of chemistry, physics and nanoscience. Ambiotica houses high quality ecology and environmental science laboratories and experimental facilities for a wide range of biological and chemical analyses. The infrastructure used in research and teaching includes modern isotope and fatty acid laboratories, research aquaria at Konnevesi and Ambiotica, as well as many other specialized devices needed for field and laboratory studies, in addition to highly motivated laboratory personnel. 

The University of Jyväskylä is a human-centered environment of 2,500 experts and 14,500 students. The well-being of the members of our community is important to us and we provide opportunities for growth and development. JYU's naturally beautiful campus is located in the heart of the city of Jyväskylä. JYU is the third largest employer in Central Finland.

Location: Seminaarinkatu 15

The application form cannot be saved as draft. However, you have 6 hours to complete your application before the timeout. After submitting you can return to edit your application via the link you receive by email. The application can be edited until the application deadline.


1-2 Senior Lecturers in aquatic environmental science / environmental science

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