Doctoral Researcher, the Digital Waters (DIWA) doctoral pilot, Department of Geography and Geology

The Digital Waters (DIWA) doctoral pilot, the University of Turku, is inviting applications for a fixed-term doctoral researcher position at the Department of Geography and Geology (disciplines physical geography, water engineering, hydrology, or related fields). The position start on 1 January 2025, or by mutual agreement. The duration of the position is three years. Positions end 31 December 2027 at the latest.

DIWA doctoral pilot positions funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Doctoral Researcher Position research themes are linked to DIWA Flagship funded by Research Council of Finland. The DIWA flagship is a leading research and innovation ecosystem, developing research excellence to support decision-making and pave the way for the next re-evolution in the water sector – digitally. DIWA enables a transition towards the digital representation of real-world water systems (Digital Twin) to reproduce hydrological storages, their states, fluxes and processes, as well as ecosystem responses with novel options for improved scenario analyses, planning and governance.

The DIWA is coordinated by the University of Oulu. In total, 60 doctoral researchers will be employed within the DIWA doctoral training pilot project. Of these, a total of 16 doctoral researchers will be employed by University of Turku.

The doctoral project open at the University of Turku in this call is "Annual and decadal flow dynamics in Finnish rivers". The detailed description of the doctoral project, specific requirements of the position, supervisors and secondment can be found on the DIWA flagship website:

Doctoral researcher is working closely with the supervisors, researchers and partner organisations of the DIWA ecosystem including numerous companies, research organisations and NGOs, totally more than 200 organisations. Doctoral researchers will collaborate with them and having secondment period(s).

The doctoral pilot offers systematic doctoral training and access to excellent research infrastructure. In addition, pilot provides courses, workshops and secondments, which to improved working life skills, networks and research project management skills.

Job Description

The position starts on 1 January 2025, or by mutual agreement. The duration of the position is three years. Position end 31 December 2027 at the latest. Doctoral researcher is committed to carry out research and doctoral postgraduate studies according to rules of the Doctoral Programme.

Key Responsibilities of doctoral researchers:

  • The doctoral researcher commits to long term and challenging work and to follow the schedule as agreed.
  • The doctoral researcher is responsible for planning their doctoral studies and research and implementing the plan with the collaboration of their supervisors. The doctoral researcher has the primary responsibility for the progress of their dissertation.
  • The doctoral researcher report on the progress of their studies and research to Supervisors at regular intervals. They come well-prepared to Supervisory Meetings, and in accordance with the schedule agreed upon. The doctoral researcher must consider the suggestions given by the Supervisor based on their experience and knowledge. They immediately notify the Supervisors if the work is notably delayed.
  • The doctoral researcher will complete the agreed amount of studies to be included in the doctoral degree per year and participate in the DIWA doctoral pilot activities and training.
  • The doctoral researcher is entitled to Supervisory Meetings and to receive feedback from the Supervisors concerning their studies and research in accordance with the schedule agreed upon.
Apply between and

Who we are looking for

The applicant must have completed a higher education degree or otherwise demonstrated the ability to pursue postgraduate studies and complete a doctoral degree according to the research plan. The applicant is required to have completed a relevant Master’s degree awarded by a university or a university of applied sciences, or a relevant study programme abroad which in the awarding country gives eligibility for the corresponding level of higher education (Universities Act 558/2009, 37§). The total grade of the Master’s degree must be at least on the level good (i.e. the weighted average grade of all courses and a Master’s degree must be at least 60% of the maximum grade). An applicant whose previous degree has not yet been completed must graduate according to the schedule of the doctoral degree application call for study rights at the University of Turku in the autumn of 2024.  

The applicant must hold the right to study for a doctoral degree at the Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG), which must have been granted no earlier than November 1, 2023. If the applicant does not have the above-mentioned right to study for a doctoral degree, they are expected to apply for the right to study for a doctoral degree separately at the latest in autumn 2024 application call via the service. The right to study is a prerequisite for starting the employment position. For more details regarding the right to study call and eligibility criteria, please see Doctoral Programme in Biology, Geography and Geology (BGG). From the perspectives of both the progress of studies and research and integration into the academic community, the people selected for postgraduate education are required to possess fluent oral and written communication skills in English. Please carefully check the language requirements on the website of the University of Turku Graduate School:

The position cannot be filled by an individual who has already completed a doctoral degree or has been granted the right to study for a doctoral degree before November 1, 2023.

In addition to meeting the above requirements, applicants are expected to have a research plan that aligns with the themes of DIWA. Furthermore, applicants should demonstrate the ability and enthusiasm to work as part of a multidisciplinary research and expert network.

The doctoral researcher employment position requires working in Finland, the place of work is Turku.

Our workplace values equality and diversity, and therefore, we encourage qualified applicants from all backgrounds to apply for our open positions.


Evaluation of the applications

The applications will be evaluated by the by three main criteria in addition to the eligibility criteria:

  • Quality of the applicant,
  • Applicant’s motivation, and
  • Quality of the research plan.

Applications are reviewed by the DIWA team and University of Turku staff. Applications may also be sent for an external evaluation to national and/or international reviewers. Shortlisted applicants may be interviewed. The decisions will be made by September 2024 at the latest and the selected applicants will be informed of the decisions without delay.


We offer you responsible and interesting tasks and the opportunity to develop your skills in a dynamic and international environment. You will be supported by a professional and inspiring group of experienced and committed supervisors. In your work, you will become part of a wide network of doctoral researchers, researchers, and supervisors within the DIWA Flagship Project. We care about your well-being and the functionality of your everyday life through flexible working hours and our well-being services.

Please read more about University of Turku as an employee from Come work with us! pages.

The European Commission has awarded the University of Turku the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo. The logo is a token of the University's commitment to continuous development of the position and working conditions of researchers according to the guidelines set forth in the European Charter for Researchers. 

The university offers good support and orientation for international hires. Please learn more about the Finnish culture and relocation to Finland:

Salary and probationary period

The salaries are determined in accordance with the University salary system for teaching and research personnel. It consists of a task-specific salary component and a personal performance salary component. The task-specific salary component of a doctoral researcher is at level 2–4, depending the progress of the doctoral project. The personal performance component, added on top of the task-specific base salary is also paid. For a doctoral researcher, the salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and will be approximately 2500–3300 €/month, depending on the progress of the doctoral project. The position has a probationary period of six months.

The position is intended for full-time doctoral dissertation research and postgraduate studies. The employment contract is based on the total working time of 1612 h per year, which gives the doctoral researchers’ freedom to plan their working hours. Duties other than those related to doctoral dissertation research, such as teaching duties, must be proportioned so as not to compromise the completion of the doctoral dissertation within the planned schedule. As a rule, up to 5% (a maximum of about 80 hrs per academic year) of the annual working time of the doctoral researcher can consist of departmental duties including teaching.

How to apply

Please submit your application through our electronic recruitment system by September 15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. The application link can be found on the university's website at the beginning of the advertisement "Apply for this position".

The application form cannot be saved as a draft. However, after submitting you can return to edit your application via the link you receive by email. The application can be edited until the application deadline. You have six hours to complete your application before the timeout.

Please write your application and accompanying documents in English and send all attachments in the form of a PDF file. Applicants should enclose with their application:

  1. A motivation (cover) letter (max. one page) is a free-form document, where an applicant is expected to describe their motivation for pursuing DIWA-doctoral studies and for conducting research, as well as their research interests. The applicant is asked to indicate their preferences in case of applying multiple positions between the partner universities of the DIWA doctoral pilot (University of Oulu, University of Turku, Aalto University, Åbo Akademi University and/or University of Eastern Finland -
  2. Curriculum Vitae (max. two pages) of the applicant. A recommended template for the curriculum vitae is available on the website of the Finnish National Board of Research integrity:
  3. List of publications. Link to list of publications template. 
  4. Degree certificates and study transcripts. Scanned original Master’s degree certificate and transcript of study records (in the language that the degree was completed in). If the original degree certificates or transcripts of study records are not written in English, Finnish, or Swedish, official translations to one of these languages must also be submitted. If the degree that gives eligibility for the study right for a doctoral degree is not completed by the deadline of application time, an up-to-date transcript of study records must be attached to the application.
  5. Research plan. The maximum length of the research plan is four pages including references (Times New Roman 12pt, and spacing 1). It should contain the title of the planned research project and description the research objectives, methods and required infrastructure or other resources, and the planned timetable of the research and degree. The research plan can be checked with the Turnitin Originality Check plagiarism detection software. The use of artificial intelligence to assist in the preparation of the research plan should be clearly indicated. 
  6. Verification of language proficiency. Detailed descriptions of acceptable English language tests and language requirements can be found on the University of Turku Graduate School website: Language requirements for admission / Right to study for a doctoral degree.
  7. List of references. List up to three references with full contact information to the application form.


For Further Information

For further information about the DIWA doctoral researcher position, the University of Turku, please contact Professor Petteri Alho

For information related to the application process or right to study a doctoral degree, please contact coordinator Sari Järvi (



DIWA – Digital Waters Flagship

Digital Waters – Securing water resources with digital twins

DIWA flagship is a leading research and innovation ecosystem, using research to support decision-making and pave the way for the next reevolution in the water sector – digitally.

Do you want to develop new innovations to solve problems related to climate change,water resources, and the water sector?

We invite you to join our doctoral pilot!

We offer you the necessary skills and knowledge to develop game-changing innovations and find career opportunities in the water sector.

DIWA doctoral pilot, the University of Turku, is inviting applications for 16 fixed-term doctoral researcher positions at the Department of Geography and Geology and Department of Computing.  We offer a structured doctoral education path that equips you with the necessary skills to become a game-changer in water research and innovation. The duration of the DIWA doctoral researcher position is three years. The expected starting date in the position is at the latest on 1st of January 2025.

The University of Turku is an inspiring and international academic community of 25,000 students and staff in Southwest Finland. We build a sustainable future with multidisciplinary research, education, and collaboration. With us, your work will have a significant impact and relevance in the changing world.

See our open vacancies

HR Excellence in Research Logo

Location: 20014 Turun yliopisto

Information for the applicant

The application form cannot be saved as a draft. However, after submitting you can return to edit your application via the link you receive by email. The application can be edited until the application deadline.

You have 6 hours to complete your application before the timeout.

Instructions for submitting a job application


Doctoral Researcher, the Digital Waters (DIWA) doctoral pilot, Department of Geography and Geology

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