Junior Researcher (PhD), Arctic in a Changing World Doctoral Programme, 7 Positions
We are seeking seven (7) junior researchers (PhD) for fixed-term positions (August 1, 2025–July 31, 2028) in the Arctic in a Changing World Doctoral Programme.
At the University of Lapland, we are working together to identify and govern change in all its complexities: social, cultural, ecological, industrial, and technological. Our research focuses on Arctic change and adaptation, sustainable naturecultures, and design and services.
There are four faculties at ULapland—Art and Design, Education, Law, Social Sciences and the Arctic Centre. As a doctoral student, you will be based in one of the faculties while being affiliated with the multidisciplinary doctoral programme
Your duties include
- Conduct doctoral research on a topic aligned with the thematic programme.
- Complete other studies required for the doctoral degree within the programme.
- Commit to the guidance and activities provided by the faculty.
- Participate in the activities of the doctoral programme and doctoral school.
- Potential teaching in your field and/or other academic tasks (max 5% of working hours).
We offer
- A clear and structured study framework within a multidisciplinary academic community, making it possible to complete a doctoral degree in 3 years.
- High-level skills for careers in academia or other demanding educational, development, and expert roles in society.
- An engaging research environment with opportunities for multidisciplinary research collaboration.
We expect
- A suitable master’s degree.
- Genuine research interest related to the doctoral programme's themes.
- Proficiency in Finnish and/or English.
- A collaborative, proactive, self-directed, and responsible work ethic.
If the selected person does not yet hold a doctoral study right at the University of Lapland, they must commit to applying during the fall 2025 application period (September 30–October 21, 2025).
Applicants who started their doctoral education on or after January 1, 2025, are also eligible to apply.
Required Application Documents
The documents should be submitted in English, though the research itself can be conducted in Finnish.
If you have used generative AI in your documents, specify how it was utilized.
- Doctoral research plan according to the template at www.ulapland.fi/applyforphd, max. 5 pages (including bibliography but excluding covers and potential appendices). If the research includes an artistic or production-oriented component, justify its significance.
- One-page summary of the research plan including contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address)
- One-page motivation letter.
- Academic CV (use TENK template https://tenk.fi/en/advice-and-materials/template-researchers-curriculum-vitae)
- Copies of degree certificates.
- Copies of certificates showing language skills, if language skills are not specified in the degree certificate
- Up-to-date and signed references (2). The referees should assess both the researcher’s ability to succeed in the junior researcher position and the quality, relevance, and feasibility of the research plan.
- Information on whether you can start on August 1, 2025.
Application documents will not be returned.
Selection Process
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an on-site or online interview. All applicants will be informed about the progress of the selection process.
Additional Information
For more information about the Arctic in a Changing World Doctoral Programme, visit www.ulapland.fi/arcticdp
For questions, contact the Doctoral School personnel (Hanna Peltomaa and Janne Väätäjä) via email: tutkijakoulu[at]ulapland.fi. Phone appointments can be arranged by email if needed.
Workplace address: Yliopistonkatu 8, 96300 Rovaniemi, Finland
Duration of work: 3 years full-time starting on August 1, 2025
Trial period: 6 months
Salary: Based on the university salary system for teaching and research staff (demand level 2), with a starting salary of approximately €2,648/month. The task-specific component is €2,225.83/month, and a personal performance component of up to 50% may be added.
University of Lapland
The University of Lapland is an international science and art university located in the City of Rovaniemi on the Arctic Circle. Our university creates new knowledge, skills and competence from the arctic perspective – for the North and for the world. Our fields of education and research include educational science, law, art and design, social sciences, and northern and arctic perspectives. Our strategic choices focus on global arctic responsibility, sustainable tourism, future services and governing distances.
Lapin yliopisto
Lapin yliopisto on kansainvälinen tiede- ja taideyliopisto aivan napapiirin tuntumassa Rovaniemellä, Lapin pääkaupungissa. Arktinen yliopistomme luo uutta tietoa, taitoa ja osaamista pohjoisen puolesta, maailmaa varten. Koulutus- ja tutkimusalojamme ovat kasvatustieteet, oikeustiede, taide ja muotoilu, yhteiskuntatieteet sekä pohjoiset ja arktiset kysymykset. Strategiset valintamme painottavat globaalia arktista vastuuta, kestävää matkailua sekä tulevaisuuden palveluja ja etäisyyksien hallintaa.
Lapin yliopisto arvostaa yhdenvertaisuutta ja monimuotoisuutta työyhteisössä.
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