Professor/Associate Professor (Tenure Track): Arctic Sustainability Science
At the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland, the position of Professor/Associate Professor (Tenure Track): Arctic Sustainability Science is open.
Arctic Centre is a national and international hub of information and centre of excellence that conducts multidisciplinary research in changes in the Arctic region. It is located in the Arktikum House, Rovaniemi, Finland.The highly popular Arktikum is also home to the Science Centre of the Arctic Centre and the Provincial Museum of Lapland.
In the Arctic Centre, research is carried out especially in the entire Arctic region and Antarctica. Multidisciplinary research especially combines the perspectives of the natural sciences and social sciences.
Your tasks
The (associate) professor specialises in research on sustainability and just change in the Arctic, local communities, and traditional livelihoods and interest groups. The purpose of the position is to enhance analytic understanding of complex socio-ecologic-cultural processes and dynamics related to the sustainability transformation.
In addition to conducting research, the (associate) professor participates in the implementation and development of the Arctic Centre’s multidisciplinary research strategy. The appointee is to assemble a field-specific and multidisciplinary research group, and to network with researchers in the university’s faculties, other universities, and other national and international research organisations. The (associate) professor shall also seek external funding, publish research results especially in international top-level scientific journals, and engage in societal interaction and international collaboration in the relevant field of expertise.
The (associate) professor supervises doctoral students and provides instruction related to the field. The details of this instruction are specified in annual work planning.
The (associate) professor takes part in the activities of the Arctic Centre (e.g. administration), provides statements, and attends to other (associate) professor’s duties according to general practice. Further, the professor contributes to the activities of the Arctic Centre’s researcher community, takes part in the production of contents to its science communication and exhibition, and actively supports the Arctic Centre’s science communication.
We offer you
- international work environment and high-level scientific research infrastructure in the Arctic Centre
- the possibility of flexible multi-location work
- modern tools
- comprehensive occupational health care
- versatile sports, cultural and well-being benefits.
We expect from you
The successful performance of the professor's / associare professor's duties and the promotion of the successful operation of the Arctic Centre require a strong commitment to the comprehensive activities of the Centre’s scientific community.
Successful performance of the duties requires a doctoral degree and theoretical knowledge of the field as well as scientific competence in the field of the task-
A more detailed description of the duties of a professor / associate prpfessor / tenure track) and eligibility requirements, as well as information on how to fulfill the position, can be found in the job description.
More information about the task
For more information about the position, contact Director Johanna Ikävalko,, phone +358 400 291 066.
Workplace address: Pohjoisranta 4, 96200 ROVANIEMI
Duration of work: from 1 April 2024 or as agreed
Working hours: full-time
Trial period: 6 months
Salary: The salary in the position is based on the universities’ salary system for teaching and research personnel. The salary consists of a task-specific and a personal performance-based salary component. According to competence level classification, the professor’s task-specific component conforms to levels 8–11 (€5,223.57 – €7,697.25 per month), while the associate professor’s task- specific component conforms to level 7 (€4,320.23 per month). In addition, the total salary includes a personal performance-based component amounting up to 50% of the task-specific component.
University of Lapland
The University of Lapland is an international science and art university located in the City of Rovaniemi on the Arctic Circle. Our university creates new knowledge, skills and competence from the arctic perspective – for the North and for the world. Our fields of education and research include educational science, law, art and design, social sciences, and northern and arctic perspectives. Our strategic choices focus on global arctic responsibility, sustainable tourism, future services and governing distances.
Lapin yliopisto
Lapin yliopisto on kansainvälinen tiede- ja taideyliopisto aivan napapiirin tuntumassa Rovaniemellä, Lapin pääkaupungissa. Arktinen yliopistomme luo uutta tietoa, taitoa ja osaamista pohjoisen puolesta, maailmaa varten. Koulutus- ja tutkimusalojamme ovat kasvatustieteet, oikeustiede, taide ja muotoilu, yhteiskuntatieteet sekä pohjoiset ja arktiset kysymykset. Strategiset valintamme painottavat globaalia arktista vastuuta, kestävää matkailua sekä tulevaisuuden palveluja ja etäisyyksien hallintaa.
Lapin yliopisto arvostaa yhdenvertaisuutta ja monimuotoisuutta työyhteisössä.
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