Researcher, Security research

We are looking for a researcher to join our security program

Your research will be part of Coherent security research programme, and you will concentrate on hybrid threats or other relevant security related research area. You will apply for funding for research, development and innovation (RDI) projects and lead the projects, conduct research and publish, and supervise theses of Laurea students. 

Hybrid threats play a significant role in current security environment and the complex threats call for large-scale, cross-sectoral and innovative research. You will focus on security research in the internal and external security nexus. The emphasis is on research, development and innovation of civilian security issues together with practitioners, industry, academia and NGO actors at national and EU level. Your work will highly benefit from the large networks and collaboration with Finnish and international partners already established by Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

You have thorough knowledge on hybrid threats or related fields and have expertise in some of hybrid threats key research areas such as disinformation, information manipulation and interference, cyber or defence. You are familiar with, and well connected to, key pan-European actors in the field and are aware of the present national and international research initiatives alike various definitions (e.g. used by defence or civil security actors particularly in Europe and NATO). An important goal in your research is to enhance knowledge of new forms of hybrid threats and to support development of solutions to counter hybrid threats.

Laurea is known for its expertise in safety and security related RDI work and coherent safety is one of Laurea’s three strategic research programmes. Currently, Laurea has the biggest share of Horizon funding of all Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences and most of these projects are related to coherent safety research programme.

This position is a researcher track position and more information on the researcher track at Laurea University of Applied Sciences can be found here:  The recruiting process includes assessment of top candidates by external reviewers. The top applicants will be given these assessments, including the names of the other top candidates. 

Please attach your CV using this CV model: template of researchers-curriculum-vitae and your list of publications.

Further information: Vice President (RDI) Mari Vuolteenaho +358 50 4085 951 (23.10. 8.00 -9.00 and 29.10. 14.00 -15.30),

Apply between and
Employment type: Tutkijan urapolkutehtävä

What we need from you

  • Doctoral degree in relevant field
  • Expertise on hybrid threats or other relevant security related research area
  • Experience in high level academic publishing
  • Experience in successfully applying for research funding
  • project management experience

What we would also like from you

  • Good oral and excellent written communication skills in English
  • Experience in international teamwork and good collaboration skills
  • Genuine interest to develop yourself as a professional


The annual salary is between 43 000 € and 52 000 € on researcher track level 1, and between 50 000 € and 65 000 € on researcher track level 2.


Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu on kansainvälinen Suomen metropolialueen hyvinvoinnin ja kilpailukyvyn kehittäjä. Työelämään integroitunut korkeakouluyhteisömme keskittyy soveltavaan tutkimukseen ja ammatilliseen korkeakoulutukseen yhdessä työelämän toimijoiden kanssa. Meille laurealaisille palvelulupauksen lunastaminen ja koulutuksen laadun ylläpitäminen on kunnia-asia.

Suomen vetovoimaisimpiin kuuluva ammattikorkeakoulu Laurea on osakeyhtiö, jonka liikevaihto on n. 65 M€ ja joka työllistää noin 680 henkilöä: niin opettajia, asiantuntijoita kuin tutkimushenkilöstöäkin. Opiskelijoita meillä on yli 10 000.

Location: Ratatie 22, 01300 Vantaa




Researcher, Security research

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