Postdoctoral researcher / project researcher in Digital Linguistics / Natural Language Processing

TurkuNLP is a multidisciplinary research group that combines digital linguistics, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning. We specialize in developing state-of-the-art NLP tools for Finnish and other languages, as well as applying these methods to analyze how language is used in large-scale digital language data. For instance, we have developed the FinBERT and PORO language models and the Finnish Internet Parsebank dataset composed of billions of words.

We welcome applications for a fixed-term position / positions of a Postdoctoral Researcher / Project Researcher. The positions are for the period of December 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025, and can be either part-time or full-time.

The positions are part of two research projects. "Mechanisms of register variation in massively multilingual web-scale corpora” (Mecha) is funded by the Research Council of Finland. The project aims to explore language use in the digital world at a massively multilingual scale. The specific focus of the project is on web registers, such as news, blogs, and how-to pages. The primary goals are to analyze the linguistic characteristics of web registers across languages and to understand how and why both the set of registers we use on the web and the register characteristics they feature vary – not only across languages but also across cultures and countries. What are the mechanisms behind this variation? To achieve this, the project applies and develops forward state-of-the-art machine learning methods together with giant, multilingual web-crawled datasets. Ultimately, the project also applies the developed methods to provide metadata for web datasets and thus contribute to their usage in an informed manner. For more information, please visit and refer to our latest publications.

“Fin-Clariah” is a national research infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities with partners in most Finnish universities. Our part in TurkuNLP focuses on modeling noisy web data and especially texts originating from social media. The applied data and methods are very similar to those in Mecha – our goal is to benefit from the results in Mecha and our previous projects to create better research infrastructure for all fields working on web-based language use.

Job description

The selected candidate will work as part of the Mecha and / or Fin-Clariah project teams and TurkuNLP. The candidate is expected to utilize and integrate diverse register datasets that have already been developed in the project, both manually and automatically labeled, and potentially develop new ones. The specific approaches and research questions will depend on the candidate's profile. Possible research questions include: What types of register characteristics are shared across languages, and which ones are unique to specific languages? How does the set of web registers and their characteristics depend on factors such as language, country or culture? Additionally, the candidate is expected to participate in the supervision of junior researchers and planning of funding proposals.

Apply between and

Who we are looking for


The project goals span both linguistics and NLP, and candidates with various backgrounds in, e.g., corpus linguistics, computer science, or related fields are encouraged to apply. We hope you have

  • A doctoral or master's degree
  • Programming skills (python / R, command-line Unix environments (CSC))
  • Knowledge of computational methods in NLP and/or corpus linguistics (such as deep learning, Huggingface, processing very large datasets, statistical modeling)
  • Depending on your profile, familiarity with register studies, corpus linguistics, and/or machine learning methods in NLP
  • Ability to work independently while also taking responsibility for the research group's activities
  • An understanding of multidisciplinary research

If the selected candidate does not hold a doctoral degree at the start of employment, the position will be filled with the title of Project Researcher. According to the University of Turku Regulations, a Project Researcher is required to have a higher university degree.

We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for our open positions.


The position offers an excellent opportunity to contribute to the development of large, multilingual web datasets as well as to explore web registers using the latest machine learning methods. Our projects are innovative and offer new perspectives in language research, language technology, and other humanities disciplines.

We offer you responsible and interesting tasks and the opportunity to develop your professional skills in a versatile operating environment. You get a professional and inspiring team to support your work. We take care of your well-being at work and the functionality of your everyday life, e.g. with the help of flexible working hours and our well-being services.

Please read more about University of Turku as an employee from our Come work with us! pages.

The European Commission has awarded the University of Turku the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo. The logo is a token of the University's commitment to continuous development of the position and working conditions of researchers according to the guidelines set forth in the European Charter for Researchers. 

The university offers good support and orientation for international hires. Please learn more about the Finnish culture and relocation to Finland:

Salary and trial period

The salary is determined in accordance with the university salary system for teaching and research personnel and will depend on the degree and qualifications of the applicant. The salary for a Project Researcher will be in average 2400 - 2500 euros/month and for a Postdoctoral Researcher in average 3500 - 3700 euros/month depending on competence and experience.

Salaried positions in Finland automatically include payments to a pension fund, unemployment funds, an extensive occupational healthcare, affordable sports services and even a holiday allowance.

A six (6) month trial period applies to the position. The qualification requirements of the positions are written in the University of Turku Rules of Procedure.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted by November 18, 2024 at 16:00 (Europe/Helsinki) using the University's electronic application form. The link to the system is provided at the beginning of this announcement ("Apply for the job") and can also be found at

The application should include the CV (curriculum vitae), copies of degree certificates and a motivation letter as specified in the electronic application form.

Further information

For more information about the position, please contact Professor Veronika Laippala,

For inquiries regarding the application process, please contact HR Specialist Maija Österlund,

School of Languages and Translation Studies

The School of Languages and Translation Studies (SLT) is an international teaching and research centre that trains various types of experts in languages, cultures and communication. Our research focuses on different phenomena in languages and cultures, such as multilingualism and language contacts during different times and eras, interaction and variation, language and cognition, translation, as well as literary studies.

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Turku aims to develop its surrounding society by training experienced, open-minded and critical experts for the societal needs of both Finland and the world. Our task is to act as the maintainers and promoters of civilisation. The Faculty operates in two locations, in Turku and Pori.

The University of Turku is an inspiring and international academic community of 25,000 students and staff in Southwest Finland. We build a sustainable future with multidisciplinary research, education, and collaboration. With us, your work will have a significant impact and relevance in the changing world.

See our open vacancies

HR Excellence in Research Logo

Location: Arcanuminkuja 1

Information for the applicant

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You have 6 hours to complete your application before the timeout.

Instructions for submitting a job application


Postdoctoral researcher / project researcher in Digital Linguistics / Natural Language Processing

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